bonjour je doit écrire un texte sur le harcèlement de parler d'une victime trouver un prénom de cette victime comment elle se sens pourquoi sa se passe et la conclusion comment elle a fini après tous sa à la voix passive et faut réponde au critères avec (who,where,when,what,why,how)

Sagot :

Hey ! Je vais prendre mon cas pour exemple ce sera plus simple :

Would you like to be hurt every day by other people of your age or older ? Would you like everybody to stare at you like you killed someone ? I don’t think so ... you would prefer to have friends to hang out with , to talk with during school etc .. Now , I am gonna introduce lucia’s life , that is probably a mess compare to yours . Everyday , at school she’s traded like nobody should be . She is lonely because talking with her is a shame , people look at her and say she’s not as beautiful as other girls , and that she must leave the school . Nobody really know why she is bullied , but she is . A lot of people don’t agree with the fact that kids treat her like that , but they don’t say anything . Once she’s home , Lucia is not gonna be alone , because those kids are gonna hurt her by social medias. Everyday , she’s doing sel harm since two years now , and deserve to be as happy as other kids .
Please , if you see that someone is bullied , is getting hurt because of anything , help him/her/them . Even if you feel like you’re gonna do something they’ll unlike , they’re be really happy for you to help and support them .
Share love , not sadness.

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