Bonjours pouvez-vous m’aider svp

Réponse :
_ Yesterday evening there was my favourite series on television. You did not watch it, did you?
_ Yes, I did! I was watching it when my parents arrived.
_ And what did they say? Were they upset?
_ No, actually they were quite happy because it was in English.
a. Ali was heading for the back of the bus when he saw on the front page of a newspaper the death of Emmett Till.
b. Ali was looking at his father while he was painting.
( Ali regardait son père pendant qu'il peignait. )
c. Someone shot Malcom X while he was giving a speech.
( Quelqu'un a tiré sur Malcom X alors qu'il prononçait ( pendant qu'il était en train de .. )un discours. )
d. Cassius Clay changed his name when he was 25 years old.
e. She was wearing a red dress when I met her.
f. We had dinner, then we went out.
g. I was sleeping when I heard a strange noise in the house, I was so scared!
h. We came home earlier last time to be on time for the TV show.