s'il vous plait aider moi a faire cette exercice et merci beaucoup .

Exercice 2 :

Write replies to the statements . Use should have or shouldn't have and suitable verbs . Then practise reading them out in pairs .

0-'I had five slices of pizza ! Now I feel sick '

'you shouldn't have eaten so much pizza ! '

1-'We've broken the TV . Quick ! put the ball away! '

2-'I bought these jeans yesterday , but now I haven't got enough money to buy Dad a birthday present.'

3-'I failed the test ! '

4-'Joey didn't invite me to his party.'

5-'You only paid 100 for those tickets ? I paid 250 ! '

Sagot :

Réponse :

1- you shouldn't have broken the tv

2-  you should have saved more money to buy dad a birthday present

3- you should have studied harder

4- not many people showed up, he should've invited more people

5- you shouldn't have paid that much money for those tickets

Explications :