Complete the text by writing the verbs in parentheses in reported speech. The critics said that my new movie (31).......... (is) awful, but the members of the audience on opening night told me that they (32) ...............(love) it. They said that they were surprised to see me play such a serious character. They told me my acting (33)........... (is) the best thing about the movie. My agent said he knew they’d like it. The movie has become a huge success. The critics said that they (34) ........ (can’t understand) why it was so popular. I said that I (35)......... (don’t care) about their opinions. Only the fans are important.

Sagot :

Réponse :

31 : was   32 : loved     33 : was    34 : cannot understand       35 : didn't care

Explications :

cela depends de la conjugaison du texte et du temps du texte