Bonjour je suis en 4e j'ai fortement besoin d'aide pour mon anglais je dois décrire l'image que je vous joins où se trouve les 10 questions . elles se trouvent juste à côté de l'image pouvez-vous m'aider merci

It is a photo.
There are three people.
A woman and two children.
They are having a picnic.
The woman is wearing a dress, the children are wearing swimming costumes.
They look happy (pas vraiment compris la question)
They are on a beach.
It is London bridge.
It is in London
Je ne sais pas..
Réponse :
1. It is a photograph.
2 .There are three
3. there is a mother with her two children
4. they are picnicking
5. the children wear bath mayos and the mother wears a robe
7. they are at the beach
8. this is a sea