salut je narrive pas a faire cet exercice en anglais pouvez vous m'aider svp:

Réponse :
I would have come to meet you if you had phoned.
If you hadn’t gone by taxi, you wouldn’t have arrived on time.
If you had left earlier, you wouldn’t have been late !
if + past perfect
past perfect = had + participe passé ( 3ème colonne des verbes irréguliers )
would have + participe passé
Réponse :
1.The tense used in the if clause is the simple present.
2.the simple future is used in the main clause.
3.You only say the ''hav''.
b.I would have come to meet you if you sent me a message with your phone.
c.if you hadn't gone by taxi, you wouldn't have arrived on time.
d.if you left earlier, you wouldn't be late.