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Réponse :
Text 2 Anticipation
a. The 9/11 terrorist attack took place = on September 11, 2011
b. In New York City, two planes were flown into = theTwin Towers
c. These towers had been the = tallest buildings in the world since 1974
d. Just outside Washington D.C. one plane hit = the Pentagone
e. There were many = firefighters among the victims.
f. In October, Paul McCartney organised a benefit concert in = Madison Square Garden
g. After this tragedy = new towers were built as a memorial where the Twin Towers used to stand.
Text . Answer the questions :
1. Who is the narrator?
The narrator is Rob Green a New Yorker.
2. What did Jay-Z do in September 2009?
In September 2009, Jay-Z organised a benefit concert at Madison Square Garden.
3. What impact did it have on the narrator?
It had a great impact on him. It allowed hope to come back, it helped him to feel closer and stronger. It helped him to move on and overcome his fears.
Text 3 Anticipation
1. Hawaii is located in the center of the Pacific Ocean and is one of the most beautiful groups of islands in the world. Yet Hawaii’s beaches are facing ecological issues
2. To start with, there is a serious pollution issue: the water and the sand are polluted with plastic.
3. Tourism has also become a major issue. Many seaside resorts are built on the coast, and these hotels and restaurants destroy the natural environment.
4. Last bur not least: climate change. The level of the ocean is rising. As a result the beaches are slowly eroding.
Titre : An island in danger
1. Who is Jack Johnson ?
Jack Johnson is an artist, he is a singer.
2. What is the purpose of his songs ?
The purposes of his songs is to draw people’s attention to environmental issues.
3. What else did he do to reach his goal ?
To reach his goal, he created the Kokua Hawaii Foundation. He is very involved.