1.Where does the scene take place?
The scene takes place in the kitchen.
2.When does it occur?
After the Aunt didn't respect the man's rules.
3.Who is the narrator?
The narrator is the person watching a man stripping Aunt Hester's clothes : the grandson of Aunt Hester.
4.Underline or highlight all the verbs : what is the most used tense? Why?
The verbs are : commenced whipping, took, stripped, leaving, naked (pour la première photo).
The verbs are : told, calling, crossing, tied, led, put, made, tied, stood, streched, stood, said, will learn (deuxième photo).
The verbs are : rolling, commenced, came dripping, terrified, hid, dared, expected, was, had seen, had lived, was put, had been, occured (dernière photo).
The most used tense the simple past : V+ed (pour les verbes réguliers uniquement).
En espérant avoir aidé,