Réponse : Bonjour, j'ai essayé de répondre à quelques trucs mais je pense que j'ai peut-être omis des infos. Bref, de rien j'espère t'avoir aidé :))
Explications :
1) Women were principaly targeted by those public welfare policies, especially poor, elderly and disabled ones. The advances in public welfare helped a lot to empower the unmarried & married women with or w/o a dependant child, they also could afford divorce or even avoid marriage but still having a partner. As results of these "social trends", the diversity of familly and marriage arrangement increase a lot after the 50s.
2)Before the offer of this support to women, they had to face a lot of struggles like the obligation of staying a housewife, abusives relationships or weddings, the lack of education because the school system was basically focused on he welfare of the men. Poor women ( especially African Women) also struggled with lower earnings and less salary than the others women. Welfare support helped a lot because it has increase the empowerment of women, the support ofc hasn't create singles mothers or a worldwide hate towards men but it has improved the number of never married mothers and their children by making the marriage less of a necessity. It also allowed poor or disabled women to more lea ve abusive or dangerous relationships.
3) The employement rates rocketed up for the unmarried women (but high educated ones), making them emporewing a lot. market forces increased the ability to leave marriage bc they were more independant thanks to their jobs. But poor women were kinda left for so the welfare support offered help and was the mainly factor in the (still) growing ability of these poor women to live without a man help.
For men, mainly less-educated ones btw, this market has increased their job insecurities and made them "more risky as potential marriage partners".
4) Women's educational attainment was pretty low as i said b4. But the support tried to give a higher education to young women to make them more able to afford their own child/children. It increased the diversity of family arrangements, it increase the employement rates even for the mothers who were housewives. In family terms, it was the mom and the child only sometimes, no man no boyfriend no husband. They were slowly able to maintain their family lifes thanks to their jobs and emporwement.
They started to really have the choice beteen being a housewife aka full-time wife/mother or a working girl. Happily, they can be both now.
J'espère que j'ai pas fait trop de fautes ou que je ne suis pas trop hors-sujet mais si je t'ai aidé tant mieux ;)