Réponse :
1. According to Drago Mr.Rayment's computer is outdated.
2. Mr.Rayment wants to make Drago understand that everything was once new.
3. Drago told Mr.Rayment that when he visited his grandparents in Croatia last Christmas, his mom bought them a computer and they showed them how to use it. They like it now.
4. Drago meant that he could use it for more than writing letters (j'ai plus le premier doc donc je fais avec ce que je me rappelle "l.10")
5. I think that he's partially right -everything was once new, time passes and things changes- but it does not excuse the lack of interest for new things.
6. I agree with Drago, he can choose whether or not to use a new computer, it could help him.
PS: vu que je vois seulment le 2ème doc, change une des reponse et rajoute "puzzled" (coche la case)
Explications :