bonjour à tous j’espère que vous allez tous et toutes bien . Alors voila j'ai un devoir d'anglais qui porte sur le sujet du bac 2018 métropole série S je me suis occupé des questions il y'a aucun soucis la dessus mais en revanche pour l'expression écrite je suis embêter . J'ai choisit le premier sujet " Do you think that technical progress necessarily implies forgetting the past? " mais les idées ne me viennent pas . je met le maximum de point pour le devoir et je vous remercie d'avance pour votre aide .

voici le lien pour le devoir :

Sagot :

Réponse :

For many people, technological progress means moving forward and building a better future. But does that mean that we should forget the past ? I think that technological progress involves finding solutions to the problems of the past while acknowledging past mistakes.

On one hand technological progress is useful to meet the needs of the society and improve past routines. Technological progress is defined by the discovery of innovative methods of producing goods and services. Technology helped us improve our productivity for example Internet changed our ways of communicating. We communicate faster than we used to be. Technology can affect our lifestyles both positively and negatively. New technology always changes our life very much and takes it to a new level. However if we aren’t careful with the use of technology, it could affect our lives negatively. Indeed, our societies rely a lot on the use of technology and the acceleration of human activity turned out to be harmful to the well being of the planet.

In order to achieve technological progress we must take ideas from the past but it also means that we should take into account our past mistakes. In terms of mistakes we can think about the nuclear plant Tchernobyl and the catastrophe that followed the explosion of the plant. I think we should stop exploiting nuclear energy and we should develop for instance solar and wind energies. This idea can also be illustrated with innovative weapons. The nuclear bomb is obviously a controversial subject and after the destruction on Hiroshima and Nagasaki caused by the atomic bomb, it is legitimate to call for the restriction of technological progress because it could eventually endanger humanity.

To conclude, I believe new technologies are built on past ideas to improve our lifestyles and we should bear in mind past mistakes in order to develop a sustainable society.

Explications :

Voici quelques idées le texte fait à peu près 317 mots je ne pense pas qu’il faille mettre plus sauf si tu trouves de meilleures idées ou reprendre des idées des textes. En termes de technologies on aurait aussi pu parler des Intelligences Artificielles et des différentes positions d’Elon Musk et Mark Zuckerberg cependant il faut que ça rapporte au ‘passé’ donc je te laisse voir. J’espère que ça t’aidera.

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