Réponse :
The Covid-19 global pandemic is changing our ways of living and working and raise issues about the future. This disease is complicating sustainable development efforts because the economic and social spheres are clearly more troubled than the environment sphere.
For the social sphere : This virus is a real threat to achieving targets on education, life expectancy or decent work. It also raised questions around the global shortages of medical and safety equipment. It show that our current system failed anticipating and adapting to such crisis. Communities need to anticipate worse scenarios that are related to climate change, because unfortunately climate change could increase the number of viruses.
For the economic sphere : We must find a way to a more sustainable economy because periods of high unemployment and low interest rates could represent the right time to support the transition to clean energy. Developing countries will need the support of wealthy countries to finance the flattening of the pandemic curve. Now more than ever, we should encourage fair trade to help these countries.
For the environment sphere : It is the right time to slow some activities that are harmful to the environment. We should encourage home office when it is possible to reduce movements.
Explications :
Voici quelques idées que tu peux développer et illustrer ; dans la sphère sociale tu peux développer sur le système éducatif et le système de santé (peut être en augmentant les investissements dans le domaine médical tout en réduisant les investissements dans les hydrocarbures)
En savoir plus sur : https://nosdevoirs.fr/devoir/2598042