Compétence: Ecrire et réagir à l'écrit : j'écris pour expliquer, argumenter.
Write the lyrics (= paroles) of a song
"The Mayor of London has decided to put an end to pollution and promote green solutions. But he hates pessimism and
wants teenagers to come up with solutions in a positive way. Will you take up the challenge?
In the lyrics of your song, you MUST write about:
• cities of the future, villes du futur
• use the words from the lesson!!!
• find green solutions, trouver des solutions vertes
• compare solutions (use different comparative forms),
• write about consequences of past actions (using the present perfect),
• write 8 to 16 lines,
What must do
What i may do
What I mustn't do
Describe cities in the future. Write
Write about what
Be negative or alarmist.
about ecological solutions and
I regret about the
compare them. List the consequences
past and/or what!
of our actions on the planet.
wish for the future,
Write the lyrics
of a song
Grammar and words I will need
There - BE (will/won't). Present
HAVE + V-en. If - present. S. Will.
Comparatives, for & since. Green
solutions (Treasure Trove).
cultural references
Postcards from the future.
To find words that rhyme you can go to:
Qui peut m'aider s'il vous plaît
je n'arrive pas

Sagot :

Réponse :

Tu devrais regarder des articles déjà pour avoir en tête l'écologie à Londres comme le dit le maire de Londres puis ensuite "cities of the future, villes du futur" tu peux le mettre en refrain et après n'oublies de regarder la vidéo que tu as toi-même suggérer pour pouvoir trouver des mots qui rimes.

Explications :

Bon courage. :)