Aidez-moi s’il vous plaît je dois le faire maintenant de suite j’attends vos aide

Réponse :
- Ruby Bridges HAD TO spend the whole year on her own…. She HAD TO be escorted by federal marshals to be protected.
- During the segregation . Blacks and Whites WERE NOT ALLOWED TO share the same public places. Blacks HAD TO / WERE OBLIGED TO sit at the back of the buses.
- When Harriet Tubman was a fugitive, she HAD TO hide and travel by night to avoid slave catchers.
- Rosa Parks WAS NOT ALLOWED TO sit in the front of the bus because of segregation. When the police arrived, she refused to move so she HAD TO / WAS FORCED TO go to prison.
- During the Jim Crows laws, marriages between a white and a black person WERE NOT ALLOWED / WERE BANNED.
Explications :
MUST = TO HAVE TO ( = devoir )
L’obligation s’exprime avec l’auxiliaire modal MUST.
Mais, must n’existe pas au prétérit. Il faut donc utiliser son équivalent qui lui donne HAD TO au prétérit.
( D’autres verbes expriment l’obligation: To be obliged to / To be forced to … )
MUSTN’T = NOT ALLOWED TO ( = ne pas être autorisé à / ne pas avoir la permission de)
L’interdiction s’exprime avec MUSTN’T … que l’on ne peut pas mettre au prétérit. Il faut donc utiliser son équivalent WAS / WERE NOT ALLOWED TO.
( To be banned exprime aussi l’interdiction )