bonsoir aide pour l'anglais svp voici le texte:heading west: this evening Pa made a shocking announcement:he said that we can now afford to take a riverboad up to Independence,where the Oregon Trail begins.We will take on board our old wagon and our belongings.We will buy some mules in that town and we will head West.Just like that.Ma's mouth dropped open, but no words came out.Pa said he'd been unhappy about so many people settling here in Missouri.It's crowded, taxes are high and swamp fever kills folks every summer.He said:(We'll be able to start a new life, where these ain't no sad memories.There's space out West, all the land we want.Free for the taking.Winters are mild ,that's what these pamphlets say.)He help up a booklet called The Emigrant's guide to oregon and California by Lansford W.Hastings.... Afterward my Aunt June and Uncle Tim came in a freezing rain and we sat together in front of the fire.I served up coffee and two peach pies made from last summer's preseves.My, it was delicious.When they wanted to come to Oregon too,well,Mama smiled for the first time in days for Aunt June is her younger sister. LES QUESTIONS:1-How far in the expedition is this passage taken from Hattie Campbell's diary?At the beginning,towards the middle or almost at the end?Pick out at least three expressions or sentences in the text to justify your answer. 2-Try to infer the meaning of the following words.Use the context:on board:..../folks:..../head:..../mild:.... MERCI POUR L'AIDE

Sagot :


1- At the beginning.

2- on board: à bord

folks: les gens

head: se diriger vers

mild : pas très fort, assez faible


1- "this evening Pa made a shocking announcement:he said that we can now afford to take a riverboad up to Independence,where the Oregon Trail begins." "We'll be able to start a new life (il parle au futur, donc c'est un projet qu'il a)." "There's space out West, all the land we want. (sa veut dire qu'ils ne sont pas encore partis)"

2- on board :( à bord du bateau)

folks: ( la maladie dont il parle tu les gens)

head: ( se diriger vers l'ouest)

mild: ( l'hiver n'est pas très froid)

J'espere avoir pu t'aider!
