bonjour à tous je suis en première générale et j'ai un devoirs d'expression écrite à faire en anglais sur l'esclavage, hors je n'y connais rien et je suis hyper nul en anglais... j'aimerais un peu d'aide pour cette rédaction s'il vous plaît. merci d'avance

Bonjour À Tous Je Suis En Première Générale Et Jai Un Devoirs Dexpression Écrite À Faire En Anglais Sur Lesclavage Hors Je Ny Connais Rien Et Je Suis Hyper Nul class=
Bonjour À Tous Je Suis En Première Générale Et Jai Un Devoirs Dexpression Écrite À Faire En Anglais Sur Lesclavage Hors Je Ny Connais Rien Et Je Suis Hyper Nul class=

Sagot :


coucou voici la rédaction (:

In the history of mankind, slavery is a wound.and Most of the European powers engaged in the Treaty. For several centuries, they equated human beings with commodities. In France, the Black Code, promulgated in 1685, defined the slave as "movable property". Africa has known slave trafficking from the earliest times, but with the appearance of a Muslim empire and its spectacular expansion, that the framework of the economic system was born. that we will call milking. In Islamic lands, the law prohibited the reduction of free men to slavery: on the other hand, captives could be obtained outside the empire. Thus were born the first routes of a large-scale human trade. The Muslim world did not get its supplies only from Africa. There were also captives from the Caucasus, Eastern Europe and Central Asia. But Africans were by far the most numerous, and this trend only intensified over time. With the slave trade, an ideological justification for black slavery was established, based on racist stereotypes, and religious justifications, such as that of the curse of Cham. The blacks were supposed to descend from this son of Noah cursed by his father: they were therefore condemned to servitude.

In civil matters, the slave does not have the right of property and cannot transmit an inheritance to his descendants. In return, the owner must be moderate in his punishments, feed his slaves and clothe them properly. Edifying for what it says about the ideological discourse that accompanies the slave trade, this text should not however be taken at face value: in practice, the only law which reigned on the plantations was that of the arbitrariness of the planters. The code black was never really applied in its entirety.

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