Bonjour j’ai besoin de votre aide svp (pour le première exercice svp)

Réponse :
When he got out of prison, Nelson Mandela declared that he has walked a long way to freedom. It has been a lonely road and that it's not over. He knows that his country was not made to be a land of hatred.
Bonne journée:)
Explications :
Réponse :
When he got out of prison, Nelson Mandela declared that he HAD WALKED a long way to freedom. It HAD BEEN a lonely road and that it WAS not over. He KNEW that his country HAD NOT BE MADE ( HADN’T BE MADE ) to be a land of hatred.
Explications :
Le style indirect rapporte des paroles . Lorsque l’on passe du style direct au style indirect il ne faut pas oublier de changer le temps.
Si la phrase au discours direct est au présent ------------————> devient prétérit au discours indirect
Si la phrase au discours direct est au présent perfect ———————> devient plus-que-parfait ( Plu Perfect )au discours indirect
Présent Perfect = HAVE / HAS + Participe Passé
Plu Perfect = HAD + Participe Passé