bonjour aider moi svp j'ai pas sus comment faire: Alfred Jacob Miller, Breaking up Camp at Sunrise, Watercolor on paper,1858-1860. ecrit sa sur google est tu va avoir une photo voici ma question : 1-Identify the document: •Nature This document is………………/ it consists of……………
A photo, a painting, an advert, a drawing, a cartoon, a chart, a map …etc
• Origin
It dates from, it comes from, it is an extract from, it was drawn by, it is painted by, taken by, made by……

2-Describe the document: Start with what you actually see .Answer the questions : Who/where/when ?
•What is made of : it consists of, it is made up of, it shows, it represents, it is a close-up, it shows…..
•Situate objects and characters : the scene takes place in, behind, in front of, to the left, above
•Describe the charcters, the setting :
Shapes : square, circular,thing, big
3-Give your opinion:
•Explain what the author/painter/creator/ has wanted to show
I suppose, I think, we can conclue that, infer that …, The photographer highlights , shows illustrates
•Give a judgment /Do you agree or not ?
In my opinion, we can guess that, I find it funny, convincing, it looks like …….
merci pour l'aide