Bonjour, pourriez vous m'aidez a traduir ce texte svp ??
merci beaucoup d'avance

Réponse :
Dear Kayan,
It is with deepest sadness that I have learned of that you failed the final exam. The results were announced this morning and it broke my heart to see you looking for your name on the scoresheet while it wasn't there. Dear Kayan, I am writing you this letter today to show you that my thoughts are with you and that you should not be discouraged because failure is the ingredient for success. It is important to know that in life every person experiences failures but the most important thing is to learn from one's failures to continue on the path to success so that one day one can live the life one wants to live. Kayan, it is important that you don't get discouraged because of the result but rather that you learn from it so that you achieve twice as much success next time. So please don't be sad about the result because the bad grade you just received today does not mean that you are not intelligent but that your working method has flaws, so take the opportunity to perform better next time with the right conditions. In life, failure should not be seen as an end in itself, as the famous philosopher Socrates once said: 'The fall is not a failure. Failure is to stay where you fell ' so don't count these results as a total failure because you risk staying in failure but as a temporary result until you have new and better results.
Explications : Voici la traduction anglaise, attention quand même à certaines répétitions. Aussi attention dans le texte original il y a de nombreuses fautes : ‘m’a brisé le coeur’ ; ‘qu’il n’y figurait pas’ ; ‘on puisse’ ; ‘vous soyez démotivé à cause du résultat’; ‘ne soyez pas triste du résultat’ ; ‘meilleures conditions’ ; ‘il ne faut pas considérer’ ; ‘de nouveaux résultats bien meilleurs’. J’espère que ça vous aidera.
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