please help me in the following exercise and thank you so much: . Write a persuasive speech encouraging youth to vote in elections. (400words)

- Make use of the persuasion techniques which we have covered in class.

- You can also use Mark Zuckerberg’s testimony and Robert F. Kennedy’s speech as samples.

Sagot :

Réponse :

Good morning everyone,

I’m here today as one of your peers to deliver a simple message to fellow young people and that is that you all need to vote because the future of our nation depends on it. A lot of young people neglect the importance of voting but you need to know that your voice is important and voting is a way to express your voice. So many of you will ask why is it important to vote ? I’m going to tell you a few reasons that explain why young voters are needed more than ever. First of all, every vote counts even though you think you don’t have a lot of choice. It matters because it shows our future representatives that we either agree with their program or we don’t. Then, young people don’t have any excuse today. They have amazing tools to get informed. Social networks allow voters to get more familiar with the different political programs. You all have to realize how lucky you are to have these tools in your possession. Progress in a country comes from the younger generation, you are all currently building our future society. But building a better society comes with your commitment. You all need to be committed to celebrate our ancestors success and achievements, voting is our way to remember that we are lucky today to be free and respect what our ancestors did so we could have this freedom. Our generation is the most diverse in the history and probably the most tolerant and open-minded, this is why our voice matters. There will be politicians who could represent a danger to our society and will try to divide us, our vote is our way to ensure these people stay away and guarantee our way of living together. Think about it : when we take our rights for granted, when we stop paying attention to our country’s politics and ultimately when we stop believing in a better future nothing will change and there won’t be any bright future for your future children. We are living in dangerous times. We are all concerned about humanity’s biggest challenge : Global warming. The best way to face these challenges is to go to the polls and vote. The biggest threat to our societies is indifference. You all have the power to fight it and seize a brighter future. To exercice that power, vote.

Thank you for listening,

Explications : Vous pouvez ajouter les tournures de phrases que vous avez appris en classe pour rendre votre discours encore plus pertinent.

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