Pouvez vous m’aider merci

Pouvez Vous Maider Merci class=

Sagot :

Food is often at the very top of French conversation. The French always comment on their food and at home, a cook always expects many compliments. Now we will study how to make different expressions about typical French dish.

If you have to remember one compliment, I would go with c'est delicieux" (It's delicious): simple, yet very effective. So, here are some useful comments to say about food, pointing out problems. or expressing your satisfaction. 1)Mmmm, c'était absolument delicieux ! Le poulet était tendre. lessaisonnement trés fin et les légumes croquants .

2)Berk, c'était absolument infect Le poulet était super dur Iassaisonnement complétement fade et les légumes beaucoup trop cuits.