Sherlock Holmes is a fictional character (personnage de fiction) based on a real person Dr Bell.
Dr Bell was one of Conan Doyle's friend.
The story of Conan Doyle was adapted for films and television looking times!
It was played by many actors (acteurs).
The most popular (célèbre) character is played by Benedikt actor.
Sherlock Holme's talents:
He's got great observational skills (compétences).
His ability to deduce (déduire) a huge amount of information about a person just by looking at them.
He's also a crack shot (bon tireur) and a master of disguise (maître déguisement).
In one of the TV series, he even walked himself back from the dead.
« Sherlock Holmes » was played by many actors.
This famous fictional character was inspired on a real person.
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