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There is a legend that says that in the 12th century in Linton ( Scotland) there was a huge maneating worm that was 10 ou 12 feet long. It would eat pigs, sheep, humans and vegetables. It lived in
a nearby loch and within a hill.
Sometimes the worm travelled to the village and ate the villagers. They were terrified. They
remained inside their houses, and prayed they wouldn’t get attacked.
One day, a man called John De Somerville told the villagers he would kill the worm for them.
He first asked the blacksmith for a razor- sharp spear. Then he fought the worm and was able to
wound it. They never saw the worm again and thought he probably died. They were relieved and
John De Somerville became a hero.
There is a sculpture in Scotland to remember this day. It depicts a man on a horse fighting some sort
of animal. So there is probably something true about this legend.
There is another legend in Scotland about a kelpie that can change forms. Sometimes it would be a
woman, sometimes it would be a horse ( kelpie means « water horse ») and sometimes it would be
a monster.
Many people say that the Loch Ness monster is in fact a kelpie. Could this worm, the Loch Ness
Monster and the kelpie be the same ?
The Loch Ness monster could be called a worm to people in the 12th century. It is said that Saint
Columba in 565 encountered the Loch Ness Monster. He sent one of his followers into the water and
when the beast appeared he made the sign of the cross and the monster retreated back into the
There are lots of legends like this from all over the world and especially in Britain. We can believe
that these legends can come from some sort of truth.