Bonjours à tous j’ai besoin de votre aide je ne suis pas très futé avec l’anglais merci

3. a. In England, people drive on the right.
b. Many tourists visit Buckingham Palace in the summer.
d. Do you prefer travelling by car or by train?
4. a. In London, the stores are usually open from 9:30 pm.
b. Shopping is often possible on Sundays from 12:00 to 6:00.
c. In England, post offices never open on Saturdays.
d. Flignt attendants hardly ever sleep at home. They usually spend the nights aboard or in hotels.
e. When I'm on holiday, I rarely visit museum.
5. a. When do the children help their mother?
b. How goes Tony to Scotland?
c. Where usually work nurses?
d. How often plays Mr. Wilson tennis? (je suis pas sûre pour celle-ci)
e. What build Bricklayers?
6. voir pièce jointe