Je n’arrive pas à faire ce devoirs car j’étais pas là au cours à causse de raison médicale grave donc si quelqu’un peut m’aider ça serait vraiment gentil merci

Je vous demande désormais de m’imaginer cette scène et de rédiger le dialogue DE FAÇON INDIVIDUELLE SOUS LA FORME D’UNE REDACTIOON. Je vous rappelle le sujet et les consignes :

- Excuse me, I’m sorry to bother you at this time of night but....
- Hey ! Do you realize what time it is ? It’s nearly midnight !
- Yes I know but.....

Imagine the conversation between these two people. They don’t know each other. What does this stranger want ? Use at least one Present Simple, one Present Be +ing , one future, one Preterit, one Preterit be+ing, one Present Perfect, one Past Perfect and one reported speech Merci bcp d’avance a celui qui pourra m’aider

Sagot :

Réponse :

- Excuse me, I’m sorry to bother you at this time of night but....

- Hey ! Do you realize what time it is ? It’s nearly midnight !

- Yes, I know, but I need your help.

-Why do you need my help for? We have never met before (present perfect)

- That's the reason why I must talk to you about my problem.

- What are you talking about?

- If you let me explain, you will understand.(futur)

- Fine, tell me what your problem is.

- A few hours ago, my wife and I had (preterit) an argument and I decided to go out to change my mind. While I was walking (preterit be+ing : action en cours dans le passé) in the street, a man came to me and asked me if I could tell him what time it was (reported speech : je rapporte ce qu'a dit l'homme que j'ai croisé)). I was looking at (je regardais, action en cours dans le passé)  my watch when the guy punched me in the head. I was knocked out for a few seconds and when I got up I noticed that the man had just stolen (past perfect) me my keys. i immediately checked if I still have my mobile and it was there in my left pocket. I might call my wife but with our argument I am not sure she will answer the phone when she realizes (après when jamais de futur.) that it is my phone number. So, I wanted to ask you if you could phone my wife and ask her to pick me up.

- To pick you up at my place?

- Yes, I can't wait for her in the street, I don't want to meet the crasz guy again.

- OK, I'll call her but next time, knock at someone else's door.

Explications :

Un peu d'imagination est nécessaire et connaitre l'emploi de ces temps. difficile à expliquer sans passer par la révison complète de ces temps. Je t'ai mis de brèves indications entre parenthèses.