voilà le texte merci d’avance

Réponse :
1) We make 300 million tonnes of plastic every year.
2) Sometimes, when we don’t want our plastic, we throw it away.
3) When it goes into the oceans, plastic breaks up into very small pieces called microplastics.
4) When fish eat microplastics, they may die.
5) Microbeads is used in many types of toothpaste and shampoo.
6) Cloth bags are better than plastic bags because we can re-use them.
1) 300 million tonnes of plastic is the same weight as how many elephant ?
Underline in the text : 30 million adult elephants.
2) What happens when we use products with microbeads ?
Underline in the text : Microbeads can also pass into our systems
3) Give an example of how people can re-use or recycle plastic.
Underline in the text : Recycle your plastic bottles at home and at school
1) The reading changes the way I feel about plastic because I didn’t know that there is plastic in toothpaste !
2) In the classroom there ….
3) When fish and sea animals die because of plastic in the oceans it affects other animals and even humans because we are all part of the system.
Explications : Pour la question C/ 2) tu dois ajouter tout ce qui est en plastique dans ta classe ...
Bon courage ; )