3 Story time. Complète ce résumé de The Tale of Peter Rabbit de Beatrix Potter à l'aide des pronoms relatifs qui conviennent.

The Tale of Peter Rabbit is a children's book......... was written and illustrated by Beatrix Potter in 1893. The main character, a disobedient young rabbit........... is called Peter,is chased about the garden of a man, Mr. McGregor. Fortunately, he escapes and returns home to his mother, ....................... puts him to bed. This is one of the best-selling books of all time, with 45 million copies sold.

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In empty places you have to write who,which or that
Dans les endroits vides il faut que tu écris Who,which or that​

3 Story Time Complète Ce Résumé De The Tale Of Peter Rabbit De Beatrix Potter À Laide Des Pronoms Relatifs Qui ConviennentThe Tale Of Peter Rabbit Is A Children class=