Complete ces phrases avec le superlatif des
adjectifs entre parenthèses.
a. Is it the big spider ever photographed?
b. Australia is the exciting) destination for
island hopping or surfing.
e. What is the cheap) flight you have ever had?
d. Sydney is considered as one of the (good)
e. Discover the fantastie) things to do in
vous pouvez m aidez s il vous plaît merci ​

Sagot :



a- Is it he biggest spider ever photographed ?

b- Australia is the most exciting destination for island hopping or surfing.

c- What is the cheapest flight you have ever had ?

d- Sydney is considered as one of the best destinations.

e- Discover the most fantastic thing to do in Sydney.


le superlatif

Adj. longs = the + most + adj

adj. courts = the + adj + -est

On suit les même règles qu'au comparatif : doublement de voyelles, 'y' remplacé par 'i' =>

big // bigger // the biggest  

pretty // prettier // the prettiest

good = better// the best

bad = worse // the worst


bonne fin de journée ☺☺☺
