Bonjour j’aurais besoin d’aide pour l’exercice 5 svp merci d’avance bonne journée

a- Thousands of Indians were killed by the US army in North America.
b- The survivors were put in reservations by the US government.
c- The Aztecs of Mexico and the Incas of Peru were massacred by the Spanish Conqistadors in Central and Soth America.
All his life, he fought to preserve the rights and ...
In 1874, gold was discovered in the Black Hills region
and prospectors invaded the region.
Crazy Horse joined forces with Sitting Bull ..
On June 25th, their camp was attacked by Lieutenant Colonel George Custer
In the battle, Crazy Horse and his men killed Custer and a lot of his soldiers.
After this victory, Crazy Horse was pursued by the US army ....
and he finally surrended in May 1877.
He was killed in mysterious circumstances..
Bonne soirée☺☺☺