bonsoir j'aurai besoin de 2 minute svp . Je dois faire en anglais un paragraphe de 50 mots et une conclusion de 10 mots a peu près . La question est " In your opinion , can mobile phones be regraded as a great technological piece of progress ? " Utiliser l'idée "POUR" avec les arguments suivants : telephone use everywhere and everytime , Find way ( GPS ) , Take photos , Social network , Listen music , watch movies , call friends and familly .
Chaque argument faud un exemple . Mettre des mots de liaison ( Now , then , First ... ) Commencer la 1ere phrase du paragraphe par : First of all I think mobile phone can be a great piece of progress because ......

Sagot :

Réponse :

The american dream had made and still make migrants dream still today because America is still the country dreaming the country of success the start of a new life always in America everything had increased tenfold everything had been oversize larger than anywhere else. "the american dream" never stopped existing and will still exist for a long time I think so, the migrants demeanorously idealize this new life there

Explications : ps: ta phrase 'the country dreaming the country of success the start of a new life always in America' ne veut pas dire grand chose et je n'ai pas compris ce que tu as voulu dire