Quelqu'un pourrait m'aider à traduire ce texte en anglais. Il faut conjuguer les verbes au prétérit simple ou au prétérit be + ing.
merci par avance et bonne soirée

le texte est :

Samedi matin, mon ami Pierre est venu me chercher chez moi pour aller au parc.
Je me suis habillé en vitesse et j'ai pris mon sac à dos avec un sandwich et une bouteille d'eau. Nous sommes arrivés au parc et il n'y avait personne. On a fait tout le tour du parc, on a joué à l'aire de jeux, on a fait un cache-cache géant...
A midi, j'avais très faim alors nous nous sommes assis sur un banc et nous avons commencé à manger notre repas. Nous discutions de notre vie et surtout des animaux que l'on aimait et ceux l'on aimait pas.
Et tout à coup, Pierre et moi apercevons un loup cache derrière l'arbre juste à côté de nous. Nos sandwichs tombèrent par terre. Pierre chuta du banc violemment ainsi que moi. Je pris mes jambes à mon cou et je m'enfuis en courant vers ma maison. Mon ami se mit derrière le banc et décida d'appeler le garde forestier. Il tremblait, il avait très peur.
Lundi matin à l'école, Pierre est venu me voir en me disant que le garde forestier avait réussi à capturer le louveteau et qu'il l'a ramené dans la forêt pour qu'il retrouve sa famille. J'espérais ne plus revoir de loup ou de louveteau pour l'instant. Je lui répondis que je n'irai plus au parc pendant quelques semaines en rigolant.

Sagot :

Réponse :

Explications :

Saturday morning, my friend Pierre picked me up at my house to go to the park.

I got dressed quickly and took my backpack with a sandwich and a bottle of water. We arrived at the park and there was no one there. We went around the park, we played at the playground, we made a giant hide and seek ...

At noon I was very hungry so we sat on a bench and started eating our meal. We discussed our life and especially the animals that we loved and those we did not love.

And suddenly, Pierre and I see a wolf hiding behind the tree right next to us. Our sandwiches fell to the ground. Pierre fell off the bench violently as did me. I took my legs around my neck and I ran away to my house. My friend got behind the bench and decided to call the ranger. He was trembling, he was very afraid.

Monday morning at school, Pierre came to see me saying that the ranger had managed to capture the cub and that he had brought him back to the forest so that he could find his family. I was hoping not to see a wolf or a cub again for now. I replied that I will no longer go to the park for a few weeks laughing.


Réponse :

Saturday morning, my friend Pierre picked me up at my house to go to the park.

I got dressed quickly and took my backpack with a sandwich and a bottle of water.  We arrived at the park and there was no one there.  We went around the park, we played at the playground, we made a giant hide and seek ...

At noon I was very hungry so we sat on a bench and started eating our meal.  We discussed our life and especially the animals that we loved and those we did not love.

And suddenly, Pierre and I see a wolf hiding behind the tree right next to us.  Our sandwiches fell to the ground.  Pierre fell off the bench violently as did me.  I took my legs around my neck and I ran away to my house.  My friend got behind the bench and decided to call the ranger.  He was trembling, he was very afraid.

Monday morning at school, Pierre came to see me saying that the ranger had managed to capture the cub and that he had brought him back to the forest so that he could find his family.  I was hoping not to see a wolf or a cub again for now.  I replied that I will no longer go to the park for a few weeks laughing.
