
Pouvez-vous m'aider a écrire un texte sur Britney Spears sur une demi page ou une page comme vous voulez.. Décrire sa vie, ou elle est née, son âge, ce quelle a fais dans sa carrière etc.. Pour que je puisse passer a l'oral de mon bac sur ce thème . Merci d'avance :) 

Sagot :

Britney Spears is a singer, dancer, actress and American composer. Britney Spears was born under the name Britney Jean Spears, December 2, 1981. She is best known for his albums Baby One More Time in 1998, did it again in 2000. His musical universe is closer to pop. Britney Spears was married to Kevin Federline in 2004 and divorced in 2007. Britney Spears is a mother of two boys, Sean Preston Federline was born on 14 September 2005 and Jayden James Federline was born on 12 September 2006. She lost custody in early October 2007 due to psychiatric problems. Today Britney gets better, she recouped custody of her children. In 2009, she made ​​her comeback with her Circus album and hits like Womanizer. In 2011, Britney Spears released a new album Femme Fatale and danced the entire planet on securities Hold It Against Me, Till the World Ends and I Wanna Go