Paragraph 1
Sourligne tous les
pronoms : they et their.
The pronouns « They » and “their” refers to: the
inhabitants of the Great Plains – the buffaloes and the Indians
Paragraph 2
Surligne cette phrase : “It was the arrival of large numbers
of white settlers that nearly caused their extinction”
The English word for “colons” is “settlers”
Three reasons for the killing:
- To survive
- For fun
- To get rid of the Indians
Slaughtered = kill
At first buffaloes were killed for living, which, I think is
fine (ou tu peux mettre understandable)
The Indians eat buffaloes so if they extinct, the Indians
would die of hunger because then, they have nothing to eat.
- No, the buffaloes are not in danger today because the
number of buffalo have increased to about 300,000
- Yes it is a happy ending
- I think that it's great that the buffaloes are no longer
in danger
The big massacre- vocabulary
- Until the early 1880s: jusqu'au début des années 1880
- Afterwards: ensuite ou après
- At first: au début
- Later still: encore plus tard
Voici les quatre
verbes avec leur base verbale :
Killing - shooting down – slaughtering- dying
Killing: tuer
Shooting down: abattre
Slaughtering : abattage ou tuer sauvagement
Dying: mourrir
- Causer = caused -
survivre: survive
- augmenter = increased - dépendre de: depended
- se débarrasser
de : get rid of -
continuer : continued
Voilà :)