Besoin d'aide SVP
Mettre les verbe au présent BE+ing

1-It....................(rains) heavility.
2-I.....................(get) up late
3-He...................(reads) in bed
4-She..................(goes) to school on foot
5-He....................(visits) Algeria
6-He...................(sells) his old book
7-He.....................(plays) in Real Madrid
8-They........................(repar)the car
9-He...........................(works) in France
10-She.......................(swims) well
11-The teacher.............................(explains) the lesson
12-What are you doing ? Can't you see I...................................(wait)for you !
13-They........................(leave) for Paris in August
14-We....................................(move) in September
15-Look, it.................................(rains)

Sagot :

1 - It is raining
2 - I am getting up
3 - He is reading
4 - She is going
5 - He is visiting
6 - He is selling
7 - He is playing
8 - They are reparing
9 - He is working
10 - She is swiming
11 - The teacher is explaining
12 - I am waiting
13 - The are leaving
14 - We are moving
15 - It is raining

Voilà ! En fait c'est toujours >>>> PRONOM PERSONNEL ( I, You, She/He/It, We, You, They) + AUXILIAIRE ETRE AU PRESENT + VERBE à L'INFINITIF SUIVI DE -ING

Autre exemple : I (pronom personnel) AM (auxiliaire être au présent) DOING (verbe DO + ING ) my homework.
J'espère que ça t'as aidé(e)
1) raining
2) getting
3) reding
5) visiting
6) selling
7) playing
8) reparing
9) working
10) swimming
11) explaining
12) wating
13) leaving
14) moving
15) raining