Bonjour, j'ai un travail d'anglais a faire : Je dois écrire une histoire d'horreur, avec des vampires,fantomes etc. Je dois faire 3paragraphes et l'histoire doit faire jusqu'a 25lignes maxi. Pouvez vous m'aider?... Il faut utiliser au moins une fois "I was allowed to" ou "I had to" ou "I was been to" Silvouplait...

Sagot :

Alors j'invinte un film hein (par contre je suis pas super douer donc je fait de mon mieux) 

The Horror show 

It's a horreur, it was so effrayant, I had to go to see my friends, it was a night, the sky was black.. I was effraid because i was listen many strange sound.. When i was in the street to my friend i was listens someone shouted, i was been to see round ... And i saw a body, the people was dead.. I approach and i was see two death, tree death, for death ... And i was understand .. I was the next.. I was run for longtime, but i was see a people, tall and effrayant people ... You can guess the rest ... 

C'est court et tres peu origninal mais si ton prof est sympa sa irra ;)