Voilà j'ai un devoir d'anglais à faire , voici le sujet. J'aurais besoin de quelques idées. You are working in the film industry and your boss wants to shoot a film in location in India. The story mentionned two scene in a romantic set up, a scene in crowded surrounding and a scene with elephant display. You have read information on several place ( Varanasi, Mumbai or any town of your choice) And you prepare a report for your boss making suggestions. Describe the scenery, times and people who could be used as crowd in your chosen place. Tell about the possible difficulties that will have to be used as crowd artist in your chosen place. Tell about the possible difficulties that will have to be solved before starting work. Pensez vous qu'il faut plutôt que je donnes mes idées sur le contenue du film et des 4 scènes, ou plutôt que j'écrive les 4 scènes?

Sagot :

A mon avis tu devrait t inspirer du  film avec les 4 scenes ceci pourrait t aider a faire un meilleure travail , bonne chance ;)