Exercice 1 : Remplacer les mots soulignés par un pronom


1. Harrison Ford is a famous actor 

2. My friend and I go to school by bus

3. My teachers are friend

4. My dad's car is not new 

5. My English teacher doesn't speak Italian


Exercice 2 : Compléter par un pronom complément.


1. I love coffee. Do you like ___ ?

2. I adore American films. Dad doesn't like ___ ?

3. I love Charlotte Gainsbourg. Do you like ___ ?

4. Does your mother know your PE teacher ? Yes, she knows _____ .

Sagot :

Ex 1) 1. He
2. We
4. His
Ex 2) 1. It
2. Them
3. Her
4. Him
2) them. 3) her. 4) her ou him 1) it ( je ne suis pas sûre