Bonjour! Un devoir d'anglais ( d'ecrire son animal preferer ) pouvais vous me dire quel sont les faute d'ortografe svp!!! En cadeaux pour celui qui medera bien un remerciment !!
Svp !! C question vie ou mort

My favourite animal is the eagle,he lives un the rock mointain,in america.he eats dead animals or he hunts small animals,mousse,small birds,rabbits,etc.....
He weighs 20 kg and he sizes 2 meter with wings spread.

Her habits is hunts, sleeps and eats, he loves to fly. His abities are he can fly a 230 km/h and he can kill very small animals but he can't run and he can't swim. Her expectency is 70 or 75 years.

Voila et vois pouvais me joindre en privée
Ps: ne dite pas n'importe quoi psk c très important

Sagot :



ll y a pas mal de fautes, donc voici le texte corrigé:


My favourite animal is the eagle. It (animal non familier) lives on the mountains' rocks, in America. It (majuscules!)  eats dead animals or (enlève le pronom personnel ici, car ça devient lourd^^) hunts small animals, mice (a mouse=two mice), small birds,rabbits,etc.....
It weighs 20kg and (pareil, enlève le pronom) sizes 2 meters with the wings spread.

Its habits are (pluriel!) hunting (-ING), sleeping and eating. It loves (pas de to, mais -ING!) flying. Its abilities are that it can fly at 230 km/h and it can kill very small animals, but it can't run and swim. Its expectency is 70 or 75 years. 


Bonne journée.


Voila ton texte corrigé:


My favourite animal is the eagle. It lives in the rocky mountain, in America. It eats dead animals or it hunts small animals, mousse, small birds, rabbits, etc...... It weighs 20 kg and it sizes 2 meter with wings spread. Her habits is hunts, sleeps and eats, it loves to fly. His abilities are it can fly at 230 km/h and it can kill very small animals but it can't run and it can't swim. Her expectancy is 70 or 75 years.