Bonjours, Pouvez-vous m'aider pour mes exercices d'anglais qui se trouve enles dessous ! Merci d'avance 



1. Put the verbs into the simple past.


1 - I  ................................................................    your letter last Friday.( post )

2 - Why  ...........................................................   the police? ( they – call )

3 -  ....................................................  to the theatre  yesterday? Yes , ..................................................   . ( they- go )

4 - He  ..........................................................................    it  .................................................    so late . (not realize) (be)

5 -  I  ................................................................   Canada last year. (visit)

6 - ...............................................................................   a famous actress ? Yes, ........................................  .( she – be )

7 - When  .....................................................................  ? (they – move )

8 - When  .......................................................................   to her for the last time ? ( you – talk)

9 - She ...........................................................................   to stay but I  .............................................   . (want ) ( refuse )

10 - They ....................................................................  because it .................................. too difficult. ( not answer ) (be)


2. Write the negative and interrogative forms.


1 – He parked his car in High Street.


2- I went to the cinema yesterday.


3- We rode our bikes on Route 66 two weeks ago.


3. Read the dialogue. Use simple present, present BE-VING and simple past.


Mary (to go) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------to the cinema last night.

What (she / to see) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------?

She (to watch) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lords of the Rings.

Really? (she / to like) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------it?

Yes, she------------------. According to her, it (to be) ----------------------------------------------------------really fantastic.

You know, I (never / to go) --------------------------------------------------------------to the cinema because I (to prefer) --------

reading books. In fact, I (to read) ---------------------------------------------------------------------Lord of the rings at the moment!

Mary (to buy) -----------------------------------the book when she (to be) -----------------------------------------------------------13!

4. Observez les phrases et retrouvant les questions correspondantes.

1. Marilyn Monroe was born in 1926. _________________________________________________________________ ?


2) John Kennedy had eight brothers and sisters.   ___________________________________________________?


3) John Kennedy died in 1963.   ____________________________________________________________________?


4) John Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas.____________________________________________________________?


5) No, Marilyn Monroe didn’t have any children. ________________________________________________________________?


7) Elvis Presley electrified the audiences because of the way he performed on stage.___________________________________?


8) No, Elvis didn’t compose his own songs. ___________________________________________________________________?

9) He grew up in Memphis,Tennesse. ____________________________________________________________?


5. Traduire en anglais. (attention aux verbes irréguliers)


a) J’ai vu un film hier soir. Je ne l’ai pas du tout aimé parce que c’était trop long et ennuyeux.


b) Mark and Helen ont passé trois semaines aux USA l’an dernier.


c) Matt a traversé le Texas en voiture il y a six mois. Ensuite il est allé à Las Vegas mais il n’en garde pas un bon souvenir.


d) Au début du 20ème siècle, tous les immigrants qui voulaient aller aux Usa, passaient* d’abord par Ellis Island où des inspecteurs contrôlaient leur identité et leur santé. (* go through)

Sagot :

1- I posted
2-Why did they call
3-Did they go
4- He didn't realize it was
5 - I visited
6-was she
7- when did they move
8- When did you talk
9- She wanted to stay but i refused
10- they didn't answer because it was too
A. I had watch movie yesterday evening . I didn't like because it´s too long and boring .
B. Mark and helene had spent three weeks in the USA last year
C. Matt had gone through texas car six months ago. then it is go to las vegas but it does not keep a good memory
D. At the beginning of the 20 th century, all immigrants who wanted to go to USA, trough by ellis Dabord ilsland where inspectors controlled their identity and their health