Quelqu'un pourrait m'le corriger svpl. ( Ps: J'men fou de votre avis donc les gens qui donne leur avis merci de passer pcque sa m'apporte rien et j'connais la méthode d'avoir des points gratuits brf ).

Lisa : Hey, Adriana !
Adriana : Hi, girl, how are you ?
Lisa : Good, wow I love your jacket !
Adriana : Oh ! Really ? Thanks.
Lisa : How was the party on Saturday ?
Adriana : Pff, my parents wanted me go to there. They said that I go away all the time.
Lisa : It’s not cool.
Adriana : I am angry, my parents are stricts !
Lisa : This is the life, you know.
Adriana : Yes, but …
Hannah : Hello, girls !
Adriana : Hannah ! I missed you.
Hannah : Ade’ ! I missed you too.
Lisa : Hi - talking to Hannah -
Hannah : Hi Lisa.
Ca sonne … Les élèves partent en classe.
Mr. James : Good morning everybody.
Hannah : Hi.
Mr. James : So, you know today, you have your levels.
Adriana and Lisa : WHAT ? Thanks to warn.
Hannah : We (nous allons passer le bac maintenant ?) It’s a joke ?
Mr. James :No, Mrs Clarck, (vous le saviez.)
Adriana : Oh my god.
Mr. James : So, tiddy up your (affaires, vous ne devez qu’avoir qu’un seul stylo sur votre table.)
Les élèves rangent leurs affaires et Mr. James distribue les copies du Bac. Lorsque quelqu’un toque à la porte.
Mr. James : Come in.
Tayron entre.
Tayron : Sorry, Mr. James, I’m late.

Sagot :

Lisa : How was the party on Saturday ? ==> How Was saturday's party 
 Adriana : Pff, my parents wanted me go to there. They said that I go away all the time. => My parents forbids me to go there . They said that i'm away all the time.
 Lisa : This is the life, you know. ==> this is life 
 Ca sonne … Les élèves partent en classe. => the bell rings... The students enter their classroom
 Hannah : Hi. ===> Good Morning Miss 
 Hannah : We (nous allons passer le bac maintenant ?) It’s a joke ? ==> We are going to pass the baccalaureate exam now ? you're kedding ? 
 Mr. James :No, Mrs Clarck, (vous le saviez.) ==> No, Mrs Clacrk, I told you this before.
 Mr. James : So, tiddy up your (affaires, vous ne devez qu’avoir qu’un seul stylo sur votre table.)===> So, tidy up your stuff, you can Only keep a pencil on your table.

Adriana : pff, my parents didn't want me TO GO there (c est pas plutot les parents ne voulaient pas qu elle y aille ? Si c est ca c et la phrase que jai mise) Apres hi lisa : in rings.... Pupils are going in class Hannah : we are going to pass the bac now ? It's a joke ? Mr james : no mrs clarck you knew it Mr james : so tidy up you things. You must have just one pen on the table