Réponse :
I like to watch you down although
I wouldn't want you to drown. I also
Like to see you run just like a beheaded chicken.
When I walk down the playground,
All the kids go round and round.
I make fun of their eyes and I
Know all the time it's me they despise.
How many kids have I made bitter?
And felt their anger grow bigger?
How many kids have I kicked in the spleen?
Or made fun of at the canteen?
I'm getting sick of this thing.
Vocabulaire :
- Drown = se noyer
- Beheaded = sans tête
- Playground = cour de récré
- To go round and round = tourner en rond
- To despise = mépriser
- Make bitter = rendre amère/aigri
- Grow bigger = grossir, s'agrandir
- Spleen = rate
- Punch = (donner un) coup de poing / Kick = (donner un) coup de pied
Cheers ;)