vous pouvez m'aidez please c'est pour demain !!!!FINAL TASK 4e (year 9): SUPERHEROES name, his power(s), his life and job (don't forget that heroes often have a hard life!). Imagine and write down the story of your own superhero (about 130 words), thinking about his real YOU MUST USE: ● ● ● O Key elements for the mark: The vocabulary of superheroes (to save the world, to fly, etc) The appropriate modal auxiliaries and phrases to talk about capacity and obligation (can, to be able to, must, to have to, etc) Any useful vocabulary studied in class (to rob, to avenge, to wear a disguise, etc) Compétences à valider:
Grammar and spelling
Respecting the instructions Mobiliser les outils pour écrire, corriger, modifier son écrit
Reformuler un message, rendre compte, raconter, décrire, expliquer, argumenter​