Exercice 2 : Mettre au présent simple ou be + ing, positif ou négatif.
I _______________ (not like) this party. I ________________ (leave). 2. Usually on Sundays I ________________ (not go) to work. This Sunday is an exception. I _________________ (work) to catch up on.
3. I ___________________ (not sleep) well in trains. I _______________ (sleep) better in planes.
4. Leave me alone, I _________________ (sleep). I ________________ (have) a beautiful dream.
5. I _____________________ (not understand), can you speak more slowly?
6. She ____________________ (come) with us. She _____________ (be) too tired.
7. She never _________________ (come) to our parties. She always __________________ (stay) at home. pouvez vous m'aider s'il vous plaît