Read the 7 sentences - Put them in the correct order.
(Lisez les phrases et numérotez les dans l'ordre pour
raconter l'histoire)

That's why today, on November 5th, people
burn a Guy (Fawkes) on a bonfire and organise fireworks
parties to celebrate the event.

In 1603, James I becomes King of Britain.
They ask Guy Fawkes, an explosive expert, for


He is a protestant King and he hates Catholics.
He hides 36 barrels of gunpowder under the
Houses of Parliament.
So, a group of Catholics decides to blow up

the Houses of Parliament with explosives.

But the King discovers the plot and the
conspirators are arrested on November 5th 1605.

Pouvez-vous me les mettre dans l’ordre

Sagot :



Réponse :


In 1603, James I becomes King of Britain.


He is a protestant King and he hates Catholics.


So, a group of Catholics decides to blow up the Houses of Parliament with explosives.


They ask Guy Fawkes, an explosive expert, for help.


He hides 36 barrels of gunpowder under the houses of Parliament.


But the King discovers the plot and the conspirators are arrested on November 5th, 1605.


That's why today, on November 5th, people burn a Guy (Fawkes) on a bonfire and organise fireworks parties to celebrate the event

Explications :

L'histoire est dans l'ordre ( présentation de la consigne un peu confuse )