Exercice 2
6 points
John Winterhayes wrote a letter to his mother when he arrived in New South Wales.
Imagine the letter he wrote to her. So you have to write his letter, please do respect the
letter format (recipient/text/signature). Be careful to the historical context (check the dates
mentioned) and express the feelings the person felt at that time.
(John Winterhayes a écrit une lettre à sa mère quand il est arrivé en Nouvelle Galle du Sud.
Imagine la lettre qu'il lui a écrit. Tu dois donc écrire une lettre. S'il te plait, respecte bien le format
lettre (destinataire/texte/signature). Sois attentif (ve) au contexte historique (dates mentionnées
dans le document) et exprime les ressentis de l'auteur à cette époque.)
a) You must mention his feelings when he left England.
b] You must mention how long the journey took.
c) You must mention the weather, the food, other problems.
d) You must mention his feelings during the journey.
e) You must mention arriving in Australia.
Don't forget to start and end the letter correctly.
(N'oublie pas de commencer et de terminer la lettre comme il se doit.)

II EXPRESSION ÉCRITE Exercice 2 6 Points John Winterhayes Wrote A Letter To His Mother When He Arrived In New South Wales Imagine The Letter He Wrote To Her So class=