Salut, j'ai besoin d'aide pour mes devoirs. Mon devoir est dans les pièces jointes.

C'est l'exercic e68 et 69 p.121 du livre new spring 4e
exercice 68
A bed is something a sleep in.
A bookcase is something place your furniture.
A study is a room you work in.
A chest of drawers it's a piece of furniture.
A desk is a piece you homework.
Cet exercice est tout bon car je l'ai fait et j'ai été corrigée par ma prof.
Exercice 69
Where do Miss Marple live?
Lives she in Paris?
How many rooms has she got?
Has she got a wallpaper?
Le dernier je ne sais pa cet exercice n'est pas parfait car nous ne l'avons pas fait en classe.
1) A bed is to sleep
2) a book case is a large room chere ce reep a lot.
3)This means learning.
4)This is a cabinet where we arrange our do thing.
5)An office a cabinet where we did our homework
1) Chere do she lives ?
2) She lives in a housse ?
3) Have her got a room ?
4) it has roses ?
5)Is it confortable ?