Bonjour est ce que vous pouvez m’aider svp c’est pour demain
Voici les questions et le texte en photo ^^

1.Where did Nigel's family go in February?
3. What did they do when they arrived in the city?
5. Where did the rickshaw driver take the family?
7. What did they do after the visit?
9. What important event did they see in Jaipur?
2. What city did they visit on February 25th ?
4. Focus on a particular moment. Why was the rickshaw experience scary?
6. How long did the visit of the Mahatma Ghandi Memorial last?
8. When did they go to laipur ?
10. What were the people doing in the street to celebrate Holi ?

Bonjour Est Ce Que Vous Pouvez Maider Svp Cest Pour Demain Voici Les Questions Et Le Texte En Photo Merci 1Where Did Nigels Family Go In February 3 What Did The class=