4e Séquence Living Together Séance CLIQUES (2) Oral Comprehension Abby et Jake, témoignent sur l'existence de cliques dans leur pays respectifs : les USA et le CANADA, en évoquant et comparant les cliques dans leurs établissements. High school cliques 1st listening: Write the name of the clique and click the country(ies). a. 1ère écoute: Ecrire le nom de la /des clique(s) et cliquer sur le ou les pays concerné(s). b. 2nd listening: Listen and answer the questions andcomplete sentences. 2 éme écoute: répondez aux questions et complétez les phrases du dialogue. Clique Country ********* Abby: - Sport: - Meeting moments: - Activities: ■ ☐ Details (looks, habits, personality, popularity...) Sport ? They Jake: For me, it's an or the male.. They actually. clique. 2 superlative forms: ............ ........ People's feeling toward them ( envers eux): They would talk about Type of clothing: Type of music : social matters. together to form their own. be fixing after school. They'd always their snowmobile, or fixing....... They always into different skateboards and types of that was .......with skateboarding. Jake: But did you belong to a clique? I mean, you must... I don't know if you were in the farmer or the mechanic clique, but were you in a clique ? - Clique's name : LIVEWORKSHEETS story. My clique started because we all were the students... learning French and that's what really us all, because that's what we against everybody else. And, you know I still hang with that clique to this day, and, you know, I .......... consider myself part of a clique. Even if you ask me as an adult, you .…......................... do you have a clique, do you ... a certain group that you consider closest to you, I definitely still with the clique.