with people from the West Indies. The realities of a new life 1. Read the poem and pick out references to places and people. Use them to describe what happened. 2. Focus on stanza 1. Find references to the media. Guess what people saw in the news. ►There must have been.... The media probably showed... 3. Read stanza 2. Pick out information about the Jamaicans and say how they reacted. 4. Listen then practise reading the poem out loud. 1. de = the (Jamaican accent) 2.an = and 3. settle down (v.) = make a home 4. Teddy Boy (n.) = a British underground culture associated with rock'n'roll music 5. steadfast (adj.) = determined 6. Commonwealth (n.): association d'États issus de l'ancien Empire britannique 7.wid = with Classe Pista 20 In late summer 1958, several hundred white youths attacked the local West Indian residents, leading to over 140 arrests. Race ace riots in Notting Hill Gate said de' headline De cameras were there as de flames burnt about, De fighters for race were establishing front lines As de great British welcome just seemed to fall out, 5 Race riots in Nottingham City an² Bristol Race riots in Cardiff an sweet Camden Town, De newspapers said it was dreadful and shameful But the men from Jamaica were settling down³. The men from Jamaica would not die in silence 10 The men from Jamaica just got radical, To counter de negative Teddy Boy¹ violence They created blues dances an carnival, The men from Jamaica were steadfast5 and growing Despite Commonwealth immigration controls, 15 They learnt a few lessons an soon they were knowing That there were no streets paved wid' silver or gold. Benjamin Zephaniah, "The Men from Jamaica are Settling Too Black, Too Strong​