1. Je n'ai pas faim : a) I have not hungry. b) i am not hungry. c) i am not thirsty. 2. il y'a des pommes : a) It is apples. b) they are apples. c) there is some apples. d) there are some apples. 3. nous prenons le repas de midi à l'école : a) we take lunch at school. b) we have lunch at school. c) we have dinner at school. 4. elles ont 18 ans : a) they are eighteen. b) the have eighteen years old. c) they are eigteen years. 5. tu prends une douche : a) you are taking à shower. b) you are having a bath. c) you are having à shower. d) you are taking a bath. 6. il y'a un chat : a) Is is a cat. b) it has got a cat. c) it has a cat. d) there is a cat. 7. ils ont un nouveau livre : a) they have got a new book. b) they are got a new book. c) they are a new book. d) they is a new book. 8. tu as tort : a) you is wrong. b) you have wrong. c) you has wrong. d) you are wrong. 9. nous avons soif : a) we have thirsty. b) we have hungry. c) we are thisrty. d) we are hungry. 10. vous prenez le repas du soir à 19h. a) you take dinner at 7pm. b) you have dinner at 7pm. c) you take breakfast at 7pm. d) you have breakfast at 7am. 11. vous avez raison : a) you am right. b) you have right. c) you are right. 12. il a une belle voiture : a) he's got a nice car. b) he is got a nice car. c) he got a nice car. d) there is a nice car. 13. jenny n'a pas son sac : a) jenny not have her bag. b) jenny has not got her bag. c) jenny do not have her got. d) jenny have not got her bag. 14. il n'a pas froid : a) he isn't cold. b) he hasn't cold.